2. sayfa (Toplam 5 sayfa)


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 07:41
gönderen prostatiniseveyim
cihanbey yazdı:netten baktım var yazıyor ama doğru mu bilmem. hastalığı bilmeyen ne diyecek ibne der dalga geçer. ama çaresizlik insanı böyle yapıyor ağrılarım çok fazla bu arakar yine.
Kardes bi link gonderir misin soyle isinan cinsinden


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 07:45
gönderen prostatiniseveyim
cihanbey yazdı:netten baktım var yazıyor ama doğru mu bilmem. hastalığı bilmeyen ne diyecek ibne der dalga geçer. ama çaresizlik insanı böyle yapıyor ağrılarım çok fazla bu arakar yine.
Kardes bi link gonderir misin


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 10:37
gönderen selchuk
prostatiniseveyim yazdı:
cihanbey yazdı:netten baktım var yazıyor ama doğru mu bilmem. hastalığı bilmeyen ne diyecek ibne der dalga geçer. ama çaresizlik insanı böyle yapıyor ağrılarım çok fazla bu arakar yine.
Kardes bi link gonderir misin
Olmadı 220 Volt direkt verelim.. :D


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 10:44
gönderen prostatiniseveyim
Selcuk bey size bi soru sordum cevaplamadiniz bu delwaa bosta calisirken ucu isiniyomu elinizle ilk dokundugunuzda bi sicaklik geliyomu gelmiyosa bu alet elektromanyeyik dalga yayip organlari o sekilde isitiyo demektir mikrodalga firin gibi calisiyodur boyle bi seyi kullanmaya korkarim
yok ilk tuttugunuzda sicaksa zaten demekki sicak su torbasi veya ocak mantigiyla calisirdur bunu kullanirim hayir her yerde bulunmuyi bi de pahali o yuzden sizi rahatsiz ediyorum


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 10:45
gönderen prostatiniseveyim
selchuk yazdı:
prostatiniseveyim yazdı:
cihanbey yazdı:netten baktım var yazıyor ama doğru mu bilmem. hastalığı bilmeyen ne diyecek ibne der dalga geçer. ama çaresizlik insanı böyle yapıyor ağrılarım çok fazla bu arakar yine.
Kardes bi link gonderir misin
Olmadı 220 Volt direkt verelim.. :D

Yukarida bi sorum oldu size


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 11:00
gönderen selchuk
prostatiniseveyim yazdı:Selcuk bey size bi soru sordum cevaplamadiniz bu delwaa bosta calisirken ucu isiniyomu elinizle ilk dokundugunuzda bi sicaklik geliyomu gelmiyosa bu alet elektromanyeyik dalga yayip organlari o sekilde isitiyo demektir mikrodalga firin gibi calisiyodur boyle bi seyi kullanmaya korkarim
yok ilk tuttugunuzda sicaksa zaten demekki sicak su torbasi veya ocak mantigiyla calisirdur bunu kullanirim hayir her yerde bulunmuyi bi de pahali o yuzden sizi rahatsiz ediyorum
Msj ını şimdi gördüm,pardon.Delwanın resimde gördüğün metal uç kısmı ısınıyor.
Önce elektriğe bağlayıp şarj ediyorsunuz,sonra 20 dakika çalışıyor ve 20dk sonunda bip sesiyle duruyor.
2ci bir 20 dakika daha kullanabiliyorsunuz.

Isıtma olayı kesin ama elektromanyetik özelliği olduğuna inanmıyorum.
Yöntem,prostatı ısıtıp kan sirkülasyonunu artırmak ve prostatın beslenmesini artırmak.
Ben tavsiye etmiyorum.Şsviçredeki Fabrikası da üretimi durdurmuş zaten.
Onun yerine sıcak su torbası koy prostat bölgene,yine kan sirkülasyonu artar..


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 11:50
gönderen prostatiniseveyim
Benim korkum fazla mazla isitir olan organlardan da oluruz hic kalkmaz korrkumuz bu yabanci forumlarda elektro manyetik yontemle isi tmaktan bahsetmisler tavsiye etmiyolar nerenin isindigi belli degil kalici hasarda olabilir diye okudum hic heves eetmedim korktum budami elktromenyetik dedim ama sanki soba gibi isitiyo demekki ama her neyse siz tavsiye etmiyosunuz o sebeple fazlada uzun arastirmadim ama eswt yi arastirmaya deger nilgi sahibi olunca sizin yolladiklarinizi da okuyum orda yazilanlari yazanlarin akademik gecmiisne bakayim bi karar sahini olunca paylasirim


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 12:11
gönderen selchuk
prostatiniseveyim yazdı:Benim korkum fazla mazla isitir olan organlardan da oluruz hic kalkmaz korrkumuz bu yabanci forumlarda elektro manyetik yontemle isi tmaktan bahsetmisler tavsiye etmiyolar nerenin isindigi belli degil kalici hasarda olabilir diye okudum hic heves eetmedim korktum budami elktromenyetik dedim ama sanki soba gibi isitiyo demekki ama her neyse siz tavsiye etmiyosunuz o sebeple fazlada uzun arastirmadim ama eswt yi arastirmaya deger nilgi sahibi olunca sizin yolladiklarinizi da okuyum orda yazilanlari yazanlarin akademik gecmiisne bakayim bi karar sahini olunca paylasirim
ESWT yi hiç okumamıştım.Doğu Avrupa ülkeleri kullanıyor sanıyordum.
İnceleme sonucu kaynağı Avusturya çıktı.
Hem prostatit tedavisinde,hem de cinsel problemlerde kullanılıyormuş.

Kaydettiklerimi yolluyorum;

Shock wave therapy may improve prostatitis symptoms
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), a nonsurgical, noninvasive treatment for kidney stones and orthopedic pain, may be a safe and effective treatment option for patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis. That's the conclusion of a study by Austrian researchers published in European Urology.
During ESWT, a clinician delivers a series of sound-wave pulses to the pain site with a handheld transducer. Results of a preliminary feasibility study indicated that the device, when applied to the perineum, could relieve the pain of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), without side effects. Researchers then conducted a randomized controlled trial to further assess ESWT.
Researchers randomly assigned 60 men who had been suffering from pelvic pain for at least three months to receive either once-weekly ESWT or a sham treatment for four weeks. The men completed follow-up questionnaires one week, one month, and three months after treatment. Those who received ESWT reported significant improvement in pain, erectile and urinary function, and overall quality of life. Conversely, those who received the sham treatment reported stable or worsening symptoms. None of the men reported any side effects during treatment or follow-up.
Given the lack of side effects, ease of use, and the potential for repeated administration, ESWT may be an option for men with CPPS. However, the treatment is not currently FDA-approved for the condition.

http://www.harvardhealthcontent.com/Spe ... e=Section2

Method of Treatment
The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. After patient consultation about the method and obtaining written consent, they were allocated into either the treatment or sham group with simple randomization. In the first group, patients were treated by ESWT once a week for 4 weeks. Each time 3000 impulses, with 0.25 mJouls/mm2 and 3 Hertz of frequency were delivered, although 0.5 mJouls/mm2 was added in each week (0.3 mJouls/mm2 in week two, 0.35 mJouls/mm2 in week three, and 0.4 mJouls/mm2 in week four). After each 500 pulses, the probe position was corrected, using transperineal ultrasound. In this study we used the standard electromagnetic DUOLITH SD1, Storz Medical, Tägerwilen, Switzerland. The treatment was performed in supine position.
In the sham group, the same protocol was applied but with the probe being turned off.

ESWT effect can be considered dose dependent [20, 30]. In our study, the numbers of shock waves and the energy level were empirical. The selection of the number of treatments, the treatment intervals, and the number of pulses per session was made according to clinical studies of previous applications. In our study protocol, a modification was made and 0.5 mJoule/mm2 was added in each week. Patients showed improvement in their symptoms in week 3 compared to week 2; however this improvement did not continue until week 12 and consequently no definitive conclusion could be drawn regarding the long-term effect of this study protocol. One of the shortcomings of our study is that we did not evaluate the IPSS score and erectile function in our patients. The effectiveness of different treatment intervals and frequencies must be investigated further to define optimum treatment regimens for ESWT effects.

In conclusion, our findings confirmed ESWT to be a safe and effective therapy for CPPS in the short term. Nevertheless, more comprehensive surveys so as to describe a standard protocol for ESWT, with long-term followups, are essential.

A total of 24 men with CPPS refractory to multiple prior therapies were treated by extra corporal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWT). 14 men (verum group) were treated with ultrasound controlled ESWT of the prostate, 10 patients (sham group) with the ESWT focused to the filled bladder. The treatments were performed once weekly for at least three times in a prone position with a filled bladder on an classical shock wave lithotriptor (Modulith Storz CPX). 4 patients of the sham group changed to the verum group after three ESWT treatments. The first 5 patients were treated with an antibiotic for 5 days. The national Institute of health chronic prostatitis symptom index (NIH-CPSI), the International prostatic symptoms Score (IPSS), transrectal ultrasound and blood tests were performed at the beginning, after 4 weeks and after 3 months of therapy. Urine tests were performed before and after each ESWT treatment. Two patients (one patient in the verum, and one patient of the sham group) were lost to follow up.

Mean NiH-CPSI total score +/- SD decreased from 26.1 +/- 1,8 to 12.0 +/- 1.5 (p< 0,0001) in the verum group after 3 months. Significant improvement was seen in each sub score domain. The sham group showed a lesser decrease of NIH-CPSI score: 26.4 +/- 1.7 to 18.3 +/- 1.7 (p< 0,01). The IPSS score showed a similar improvement. 9 patients of the verum group however only 1 patient of the sham group reported on an immediate improvement of symptoms within 24 hours after the first ESWT. In three patients of the verum group and two patients of the sham group bacterial growth was found after ESWT. 2 patients of the verum group reported on a slight gross hematuria for several hours. After three to six months 7 patients of the verum group received a new series of ESWT treatment because of the reoccurrence of symptoms.

ESWT of the prostate in patients with CPPS seems to be a promising effective treatment. More prospective placebo controlled trials are required.

Shockwave treatment of erectile dysfunction
Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT) is a novel modality that has recently been developed for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). Unlike other current treatment options for ED, all of which are palliative in nature, LI-ESWT is unique in that it aims to restore the erectile mechanism in order to enable natural or spontaneous erections. Results from basic science experiments have provided evidence that LI-ESWT induces cellular microtrauma, which in turn stimulates the release of angiogenic factors and the subsequent neovascularization of the treated tissue. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) has been clinically investigated and applied in several medical fields with various degrees of success. High-intensity shock wave therapy is used for lithotripsy because of its focused mechanical destructive nature, and medium-intensity shock waves have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and are used for treating a wide array of orthopedic conditions, such as non-union fractures, tendonitis, and bursitis. In contrast, LI-ESWT has angiogenetic properties and is therefore used in the management of chronic wounds, peripheral neuropathy, and in cardiac neovascularization. As a result of these characteristics we initiated a series of experiments evaluating the effect of LI-ESWT on the cavernosal tissue of patients with vasculogenic ED. The results of our studies, which also included a double-blind randomized control trial, confirm that LI-ESWT generates a significant clinical improvement of erectile function and a significant improvement in penile hemodynamics without any adverse effects. Although further extensive research is needed, LI-ESWT may create a new standard of care for men with vasculogenic ED.
http://tau.sagepub.com/content/5/2/95.a ... tau;5/2/95

Shockwave Therapy Found to Improve Erectile Dysfunction
PARIS—Low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LI-ESWT) is an effective treatment option for men with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction (ED), according to findings presented at the 27th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Yoram Vardi, MD, and collaborators at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, showed that the treatment significantly improved various measures of erectile function, including penile hardness, hemodynamics, and endothelial function.
LI-ESWT is the first therapy shown to reverse the pathology in the penis of men with vasculogenic ED, Dr. Vardi said. “It is really a breakthrough in the sense that it is the first treatment that can probably cure or at least improve the erectile mechanism.”
Dr. Vardi and his team studied 60 men who were randomly assigned to receive LI-ESWT or sham treatment. LI-ESWT was applied to the penile shaft and crura at five different sites. The researchers assessed erectile function prior to the first treatment and at one month after the final treatment session using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and the Erection Hardness Scale (EHS). They also assessed penile hemodynamics and endothelial function using the flow mediated dilatation technique (FMD). The main outcome measure of treatment success was a change in IIEF-ED Domain score of more than five points.
The LI-ESWT group showed a greater increase in total IIEF and IIEF-ED score compared with the sham group and significantly greater improvement in FMD. Combining the objective and subjective parameters, the researchers found that 22 patients in the LI-ESWT group (56%) showed significant improvement in both IIEF and FMD compared with only one (5%) in the sham group. In addition, 13 patients in the LI-ESWT group had an EHS of 3 or greater before treatment compared with 31 after treatment. In the sham group, there was no significant difference in the number of patients with an EHS of 3 or greater (eight before sham treatment, seven after).
The LI-ESWT group experienced a significantly greater increase in the IIEF Total Satisfaction category than the sham group.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for CPPS is an economic treatment option
Sunday, 18 April 2010- There is an increasing incidence of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) at least in the Western world, and the vast majority of male patients suffer from the abacterial form of chronic prostatitis or CPPS.
"Recently, an incidence of almost 14% was found among more than 5,000 male urological outpatients. For instance, in the US millions of patients visit their physicians due to CPPS-related complaints. The disease reveals substantial morbidity comparable to that of Angina pectoris, Morbus Crohn or the status after heart attack," said Dr. Reinhold Zimmermann who presented the study "Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy(ESWT) for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome," during the Oral Poster Session held today at the 25th Anniversary EAU Congress in Barcelona, Spain.
Disease-typical complaints are pain sensations most commonly in the prostate, testes, groin, back, pelvic floor and supra-pubic region. Disturbances of micturition and erectile function can have a crucial diminishing effect on quality of life which may be even greater than the pain itself. Quality of life can be markedly restricted. The illness might influence social contacts and is probably linked to psychosomatic aspects.
No causal or standardised treatment is available at present. Various agents such as analgesics,antiphlogistics, antibiotics, a-receptor blockers and 5-a-reductase inhibitors are used individually and in various combinations. A certain group of patients may mostly benefit from alpha-blockers, whilst there is no rational basis for the widespread use of antibiotics. The lack of evidence or objective measurement of effectiveness for each of these treatments has to be emphasised. Side effects may predominate over possible treatment effects.
Physiotherapy, trigger point massage, electromagnetic treatment and acupuncture have already been used for CPPS. Based on orthopaedic pain syndromes, fractures, wound healing disorders and even cellulite which are successfully treated by low-energy Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT), this therapy was also introduced in CPPS treatment. Additional arguments were that SWs could reduce passive muscle tone in stroke patients and induce reperfusion in ischemic dysfunctional myocardial areas.
In a feasibility study, Zimmerman and colleagues showed that SWs are easily applicable by perineal approach without side effects, achieving significant improvement of CPPS-related symptoms, in particular with respect to pain.
Beforehand, prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing, digital rectal examination (DRE) and transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) of the prostate have been performed prior to study enrolment in order to rule out other pathologies. Side effects were very thoroughly investigated when commencing ESWT to pelvic floor, and were definitely excluded by a large variety of highly reliable clinical and imaging methods (lab analysis,
Following these first encouraging results a placebo-controlled double-blinded randomised trial including 60 patients (30 each group verum/placebo) could be successfully performed. According to the study protocol no other treatments were permitted during study and follow up (FU) period.
All patients were randomised prior to treatment. The verum patients received 1 perineally applied ESWT treatment weekly (3000 impulses each, maximum total energy flow density 0.25 mJ/mm2, frequency 4 Hz) for 4 weeks.
The device used for the study was a standard electromagnetic shock wave unit, DUOLITH SD1, with a focused shock wave source. The position of the shock wave transducer was changed after every 500 impulses in order to scan virtually the entire prostatic and pelvic floor region. The focus geometry of the transducer ensured that prostatic region could not be failed to strike when placing the transducer perineally.
For placebo treatment spreading of SW was stopped definitely within the transducer by an integrated membrane.
The follow-up (FU) included clinical examinations and the questionnaire-based re-evalution of quality of life and complaints. Recently, the one-year FU could be completed showing extremely encouraging results. In this context it has to be noted that only a small minority of investigations on CPPS extend to this FU duration.
The now available long term FU verifies impressively the value of ESWT for treating CPPS. Very few investigations on this topic have comparable FU and results data. ESWT may in particular be interesting due to easy and inexpensive application, very little need of staff and the possibility for repeating the treatment at any time.
In terms of healthcare costs, ESWT could be extraordinarily attractive because patients can receive it 'by the way' – meaning there is no need for interruption of employment or hospitalisation. Effects of ESWT are limited, at least with the current application schemes. But one has to pay attention to the fact that modifications of application, which have only not been realised in order to maintain the study protocol, could potentially extend the effects on tissue and therewith the duration of pain soothing for an 'unlimited' period of time.
Source: R. Zimmermann, "Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome," Oral –Poster Session 40, 18 April 2010, 25th Anniversary EAU Congress, Barcelona, Spain.

Effects of Low-energy Shock Waves on Oral Bacteria

We have recently demonstrated that extracorporeal shock-wave therapy (ESWT) is effective in promoting the healing of dermal wounds and in regenerating alveolar bone lost through periodontal disease. The objective of the present study was to determine any antibacterial effect of ESWT on oral bacteria. Monoculture suspensions of 6 bacterial species were treated with 100 to 500 pulses of ESWT at energy flux densities (EFD) of 0.12 mJ/mm2, 0.22 mJ/mm2, and 0.3 mJ/mm2. Following treatment, aliquots were plated for viability determination and compared with untreated controls. ESWT showed a significant microbicidal effect for Streptococcus mutans and an unencapsulated strain of Porphyromonas gingivalis following as few as 100 pulses at 0.3 mJ/mm2 (p ≤ 0.001). In addition, a significant disruption of bacterial aggregates was observed at lower EFDs. No significant reduction in viability was observed for all other bacteria at EFDs and pulses tested (p > 0.05). These findings suggest that low-energy ESWT may be bactericidal for selected oral bacteria.
Shock waves therapy oral bacteria
Low-energy extracorporeal shock-wave therapy may be bactericidal for selected oral bacteria.
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Effects of Low-energy Shock Waves on Oral Bacteria — JDR http://jdr.sagepub.com/content/87/10/928.short


C.P. Horn; H. Gollwitzer; and L. Gerdesmeyer
Introduction: The extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) has a wide spectrum of indication in orthopaedics. However,infection in the application area is regarded as a contraindication. Therefore, in this study, the effect of of ESW on bacteria and their interaction with antibiotics is tested.
Methods: Standardized suspensions of S. aureus (ATCC25923) were exposed to different energy flux densities (EFD 0,38–0,96mJ/mm2) and different impulse quantities (1000–12000 impulses) of a focussed ESWT. The surviving bacteria were quantified and compared to an untreated control group. The permeability of the cell wall of treated bacteria was analysed with a fluorescence assay and the DNA examined qualitatively for defects.
The influence of ESW on the effectiveness of antibiotics was examined using Gentamicin whose stability under influence of ESW was proven infrared-spectrometrically earlier.
S. aureus in specific broth (CAMHB) was treated with 4000 impulses at 0.59 mJ/mm2. Then the MIC against Gentamicin was compared with the MIC of an untreated control group.
For the examination of synergistic effects between antibiotics and ESW, bacteria were treated with ESW (4000 impulses, 0.59mJ/mm2) in a solution of CAMHB and varying Gentamicin concentrations (0.25 – 4 A g/ml).
The vital bacteria were quantified and compared to the control group which was exposed to either ESW or Gentamicin.
Bacterium colonies were quantified according to the guidelines of the NCCLS, the statistical evaluation was done with the Man-Whitney-U- test.
Results: The ESW showed a significant germicidal effect (P < 0.01) after application of either a high EFD (>0.60 mJ/mm2, 4000 impulses) or a high impulse quantitiy at low EFD (up to 12,000 impulses, < 0.60 mJ/mm2). The amount of CFU could be reduced by up to 99.9%.
Despite the germicidal effect of the ESWT neither a change of the bacterium cell permeability nor a damage to the DNA could be proved. Synergistic effects between Gentamicin and ESW were not found. No loss of effectivity of the Gentamicins at a simultaneous application of the ESW (P > 0.05) could be seen either.
Conclusion: The ESWT has a significant germicidal effect on bacteria after exceeding a certain threshold energy.
It could be shown that the applied total energy is responsible for the germicidal effect rather than single paramters as EFD and impulse quantity. A synergistic effect of antibiotics applied in addition to the ESW could not be proved. When ESW was carried out in presence of Gentamicin, the antibacterial effect of Gentamicin was influenced neither positively nore negatively.
The simultaneous application of ESW and systemically or locally applied antibiotics could represent a new therapy approach against tissue and bone infections. To prove this, further in-vivo studies are needed.
Correspondence should be addressed to Ms Larissa Welti, Scientific Secretary, EFORT Central Office, Technoparkstrasse 1,
CH-8005 Zürich, Switzerland


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 14:51
gönderen cihanbey
linke bakmadım genel olarak netten bakıp geçtim aklıma onu görünce öyle geliverdi işte. sonuçta aynı mantıkla çalılıyor bana göre. tabi sağlıklı ı değil mi o ayrı konu. ama rektal tuşe yöntemiyle antibiyotik ve lağman olayı da benzer metoot yani sağlıksız olabilir hatta enfeksiyon taşıya da bilir


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 14:57
gönderen prostatiniseveyim
Of of hocam sen demesen aklima gelsede cesaret edip bakanazdim simdi aklima sen soktun ben de alip bi..... diye dusundum hayirlisi artik allah sifa versin gunaha tanda uzak tut sun amin


Gönderilme zamanı: 28.04.2015 - 23:08
gönderen cihanbey
bbenim böyle bişey aklımdan bile geçmezdi ama tedavi şansı kalmayınca akıma geldi. artık antibiyotik içmeyede korkuyorum mide bağırsalar iflas etti sadece b12 ve dicloflam ve lansor içmeklede çözüm olmuyor ki


Gönderilme zamanı: 06.06.2015 - 19:27
gönderen Volkan55
Ne hallere düştük bu hastalıktan kafayı yicem


Gönderilme zamanı: 18.06.2015 - 18:40
gönderen cihanbey
nugün kırgızistan da bir ilaç firmasında mümessil olarak görev yapan tatil için istanbula gelmiş biriyle tanıştım. konu konuyu açtı prostatit tedavisini sordum kendisine. soğuk bir böllge olduğundan çok sık rastlanılan bir hastalıkmış kırgızistanda ve rus yapımı olan fitil ile tedavi ediliyormuş. rektal yooldan antibiyotik başlığına uygun gördüm paylaşmayı. anllattığın göre oral yoldan ofloksasin ve rektal yoldan vitaprost forte diye bir fitil ile genelde tedavisi gerçekleşiyornuş. bu ikiliyle birlikte 21 gün 3 hafta boyunca e vitamini ve b komplex verilrmiş hastalara.
bu iki ilaç hakkında bilgisi veya tecrübesi olan arkadaş var mı acaba?


Gönderilme zamanı: 19.06.2015 - 16:04
gönderen cihanbey


Gönderilme zamanı: 19.06.2015 - 18:57
gönderen boyturk
cihanbey daha evvel bu ilaçların ismi geçmişti forumda ...işe yaradıgı ile ilgili bi,r kaç duyum almıştık eski forumda ..hatta rusyada yaşayan biri tavsiye fln etmişti şimdi tam hatırlamıyorum ama vitaprost fitili söylediler


Gönderilme zamanı: 20.06.2015 - 16:53
gönderen cihanbey
işe yarıyorsa bu arkadaştan rica edip getirmeye çalışacağım. anladığım kadarıyla tr de uygulanan klaisk yöntemlerle şifa bulmamız biraz zor. çünkü her doktor neredeyse bu hastalıkla ilgili aynı şeyleri ezberlemiş ve farklı bir fikir ve çözümü yok aynı sözler aynı ilaçlar ve maalesef aynı sonuç

bu nedenle acaba daha farklı ilaçlar ve yöntemler dünyada varsa bunlardan sonuçlar alınır mı diye düşünüyorum


Gönderilme zamanı: 20.06.2015 - 17:12
gönderen boyturk
avrupada yararlı ilaçların oldugunu okuyor ve duyuyorum ,hastalık geçmesede günlük hayatttan kopmadan yaşantımıza devam etmek adına hastalıgı kontrol altında tutan ilaçlar var


Gönderilme zamanı: 20.06.2015 - 18:03
gönderen cihanbey
ben tr de olamyıp avrupada olan bir elmiron u duymuştum. onu da doktor reçete etmeden vermemişler bir ttanıdıktan rica etmiştim.


Gönderilme zamanı: 20.06.2015 - 18:32
gönderen prostatiniseveyim
cihanbey yazdı:ben tr de olamyıp avrupada olan bir elmiron u duymuştum. onu da doktor reçete etmeden vermemişler bir ttanıdıktan rica etmiştim.

Elmiron ictin mi


Gönderilme zamanı: 20.06.2015 - 20:28
gönderen cihanbey
yok getirtemedim maalesef. reçetesiz vermemişler almancı bir tanıdık getirecekdi sanırım reçeteyle de uğraşmak istemedi


Gönderilme zamanı: 18.12.2015 - 16:16
gönderen Amaldio
Su an arnavutluktayim ve tedavi oluyorum, doktor arqil iyi bir insan ve gelistirdigi yontem sanirim calisiyor, ben 8 gundur burdayim pazar gunu donecegim istanbul. Yontem oldukca mantikli, bir tesaduf eseri buldum ve geldim hatta ben lizbon da PAE (prostate Artery Embolization) da oldum prof dr pisco yapti 44cc olan hacim 33cc ye dustu ve gercekten ise yaradi ancak iltihap tam olarak gecmedi (bir bucuk yil oldu) ve yaklasik bir ay once iltihap tekrar vurdu ve burdayim Tiran da. Bana oyle geliyor ki tedavi caliaiyor, igne kesme dikme yok sadece siringa ile antibiotik rectal bolgeden enjekte ediyor ve 30 dk 42-46 derecede isitiyor. Bu yontem zaten bulunmus 1836 da balon ile uygulanmis ancak antibiotik bulununca vaz gecilmis. ucret sadece 350eur ve yurume mesafesinde otel gunluk 20eur. Ozellikle iltihab icin bence denenmeli. Allah sifa versin.


Gönderilme zamanı: 18.12.2015 - 17:18
gönderen yorgun
Bu o bölgeye ısı uygulanması sonucu tedaviye yanıt verebilirmiş.Çok şaşkınım.Neden mi Bu hastalığı bilmeden yaşıyormuşum.Deme ki ben Yıllar önce Hamama gittiğimde hele de Sauna bölümüne girdiğimde bana faydasını hissediyordum.Çok şaşkınım . Neden böyle oluyor kafamdaki soru işaretleri yanıt buldu kanımca.


Gönderilme zamanı: 18.12.2015 - 21:44
gönderen freeman
Amaldio yazdı:Su an arnavutluktayim ve tedavi oluyorum, doktor arqil iyi bir insan ve gelistirdigi yontem sanirim calisiyor, ben 8 gundur burdayim pazar gunu donecegim istanbul. Yontem oldukca mantikli, bir tesaduf eseri buldum ve geldim hatta ben lizbon da PAE (prostate Artery Embolization) da oldum prof dr pisco yapti 44cc olan hacim 33cc ye dustu ve gercekten ise yaradi ancak iltihap tam olarak gecmedi (bir bucuk yil oldu) ve yaklasik bir ay once iltihap tekrar vurdu ve burdayim Tiran da. Bana oyle geliyor ki tedavi caliaiyor, igne kesme dikme yok sadece siringa ile antibiotik rectal bolgeden enjekte ediyor ve 30 dk 42-46 derecede isitiyor. Bu yontem zaten bulunmus 1836 da balon ile uygulanmis ancak antibiotik bulununca vaz gecilmis. ucret sadece 350eur ve yurume mesafesinde otel gunluk 20eur. Ozellikle iltihab icin bence denenmeli. Allah sifa versin.
350 € kaç günlük seans için ? sende ne gibi değişiklik oldu ?


Gönderilme zamanı: 03.02.2016 - 22:08
gönderen Sur2005
Rektal yoldan antibiyotigi kimler denedi arkadaslar ben tavanic ile denemek istiyorum sizce denesem mi


Gönderilme zamanı: 03.02.2016 - 23:01
gönderen baran17
http://www.dunyasaglik.org/Delwa-star-H ... 321.html#0

Arkadaslar ben yukaridaki linkteki aleti kullandim hemde birde kemeri vardi bunlarin bende ise yaramadi malesef..