3D Prostatitis Treatment in China

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Mesajlar: 95
Kayıt: 29.04.2015 - 18:40
Şehir: istanbul
Hastalık Başlangıç Yılı: 2013

3D Prostatitis Treatment in China

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Mail atimistim maliyet ile ilgili. Cevabi asagida gorebilirsiniz.

Thank you for inquiring of our 3D prostatitis treatment.

Please refer to the standard reply below:

3D Prostatitis Treatment is suitable for your condition.We believe we can cure your prostatitis completely.

We recommend you receive our 3D prostatitis treatment. Regarding the treatment time and the costs, please see that in Our Recommendations and The Price Options. If you have some complex prostate condition,such as prostate significant enlargment,the volume of enlarged prostate is more than 40ml,benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer,etc,you can only choose Option(1).Please confirm your treatment option with us.

Our clinics are located in Changsha and Xiangtan City,Hunan Province, China. We have not opened a branch clinic in other countries.If you want to receive our 3D Treatment you must come to china.

Your Condition

According to your email, we believe you are suffering from prostatitis,enlarged prostate,genitourinary infections and/or other prostate disease. Prostatitis is usually caused by a variety of pathogens. There may be blockages,calcification and enlarged formed in your prostate,pathogens are hiding inside the blocked areas causing chronic and recurrent infection,and make your prostate irritated and swollen. These pathogens are hard to be detected by general test methods. As this occurs, inflammation,blockages,and enlarged irritate and oppress the surrounding tissue, lymphatic ducts, tiny blood vessels, glandular tubes, nerves,posterior urethra, vas deferens, and ejaculatory duct, causing many different symptoms. However, we cannot be sure what your pathogens are, blockages and enlarged,and degree of blockages and enlarged until you come to our 3D Prostatitis Treatment Clinics for a full set of laboratory tests and examination.

Because of the lack of blood flow to the prostate,the prostatic capsules can prevent most of the medications from going into the prostate,and blockages that form as a result of infection, oral and/or IV antibiotics and other medication cannot penetrate into your prostate in a high enough concentration to kill the pathogens and enlarged cells. This is why you are unable to get rid of your diseases.Taking repeated doses of oral and IV antibiotics will not cure you. However, taking prolonged and/or repeated courses of oral and IV antibiotics will cause harmful side effects.

Our Treatment

The 3D Treatment is very effective for prostatitis,enlarged prostate,and genitourinary infections. Many patients who have been successfully treated had similar conditions as yours. 3D Prostatitis Treatment kills pathogens and enlarged cells, clears blockages and calcification, and discharge of toxic residue,our treatment is a method that treat the root cause of the disease. Once you are cured, your disease will not relapse. Our treatment is very safe and has no side effects. Our cure rate is over 95%,we can cure a variety of prostatitis,enlarged prostate,and/or other genitourinary infection except the patient do not have enough the time and economy for treatment.

Our treatment consists of several steps. Firstly, we identify the causative pathogens by a full set of lab testing,and determine the infected, blocked,and enlarged areas in the prostate by Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) and Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS). And then we inject a set of treatment medicines (including medicines that kill the causative pathogens and enlarged cells, anti-infection medicines, and anti-hyperplasia medicines,etc) to the infected,blocked,and enlarged areas in the prostate in high concentration by using the 3D local injection technology,thus directly inhibiting and killing the causative pathogens and enlarged cells. At the same time, we inject unblocking medicines to clear blockages and calcification,discharge toxic substances,and making the prostate lesion tissue significantly reduce and completely disappear. In addition, we use some herbal medicines to improve and restore the prostate immunity and the blood circulation to prevent the recurrence of the prostate diseases.

You will need treatment every day, there are at least 10 different locations need be injected. 3D doctor will choose two different infected, blocked,and enlarged sites every day to perform the injections. Within 30-40 days’ treatment period, each injection point only get a few shots, normally severe lesion tissues sites will get more shots. The needle we are using is very small. Our local injection has no side effect, will not cause any damage, and will not cause significant pain.

Our Recommendations

1) We recommend that you make arrangements to come to our Clinics in China for a period of 30-40 days of treatment.If you have complex contions, such as the infection is longer, antibiotic resistance, multiple pathogens, multiple areas Infections,significant blockage and calcification,prostate significant enlargment,the volume of enlarged prostate is more than 50ml,the impairment of prostate immunity and microcirculation, poor overall condition, and prostatitis combined with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and/or prostrate cancer, etc.you will need this full period of time. Otherwise, 30 days will normally suffice. If the patients do not have enough time to finish treatment at one time, the treatment period can be divided into several stages.

2) Do not take prolonged and repeated courses of oral antibiotics and genitourinary medications. They will not be effective. Overuse and misuse of antibiotics will make your condition worse. Stop taking all antibiotics for at least 15 days before your arrival at our clinics so that we can properly test you for pathogens . Antibiotics will produce false negative pathogen test results.

3) Food and Drink: Stop consuming alcohol, coffee, spicy food, and shellfish. It is important to keep your immune system strong. This will help you to recover, both during and after the our 3D treatment

4) Plan to come to the clinic for pathogen testing and 3D treatment as soon as possible. Delays in proper treatment will allow the infection to spread and become more complicated. As the disease spreads, tissue and organs are more damaged, and more blockage and calcifications form. When this occurs, more time will be required to successfully treat the infection, and clear the blockage and calcification.

5) You will need a Chinese “Tourist Visa.” How do you get a visa to come over, please refer to http://www.prostatitiscure.com/Visa.html .You can make an appointment at any time except the Chinese Spring Festival holidays. Please inform us of your arrival time two weeks in advance, we will make hotel reservation and arrange free airport pickup for you upon your arrival.

6) The best thing is that you arrive in Changsha and Xiangtan from Saturday to Tuesday so we can schedule your ultrasound examination on the 2nd day after your arrival, before your treatment begins. Please note that prostatic fluid and semen will be needed for the full set of lab testing. Normally, patients should not have ejaculation (masturbation is also included) for 5 days prior to our clinics.

Our Prices

Because of different disease condition, different treatment courses, and doctors’ different qualification, the medical cost will be different. We are currently offering two price options. It is important for you to confirm your appointment time and price option with us when you decide to come to our clinics for testing and treatment.

Option (1): Cost is not an issue. For those patients who choose Dr. Song to administer treatment, Dr. Song is a true expert, and the inventor of the 3D treatment. Dr. Song has 26 years of 3D Prostate Treatment clinical experience,and he has experience and ability to treat various of complex prostate disease and urogenital infection.If you have various complex prostatitis condition,such as the infection is longer,prostate significant enlargment,the volume of enlarged prostate is more than 50ml,the impairment of prostate immunity and microcirculation,poor overall condition,and prostatitis combined with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and/or prostrate cancer, etc, you can only choose to be treated by Dr. Song.At present, Dr. Song works in the Xiangtan Clinic.

1) The total cost of laboratory testing and examination at our clinic is US$600. This includes: a full testing, examination, and evaluation upon your arrival; testing and examination during treatment; and a full testing and examination at the end of your treatment. This fee does not include any testing and/or examinations outside our clinic.

2) The 3D local injection treatment cost is US$400 per day. This includes doctor’s consultation, examination; treatment medicines(including medicines that kill the causative pathogens and enlarged cells, anti-infection medicines, anti-hyperplasia medicines, and anti-cancer medicines, etc), unblocking medicines, and improving microcirculation and immunity medicines; two local injections at two different infected, blocked,and enlarged sites every day. If you only needs 30 days of treatment, the total medical cost is: US$600 + US$400 x 30 days = US$12600.

3) Other prices: the translation and service fee is US$25 per day (including medical treatment translation and daily assistance outside the 3D Clinic, etc). There are many hotels near the Xiangtan Clinic, the daily room rates range from US$25 to US$60 (5 star hotel).The daily food costs range from US$15 to US$20 per day.

Option(2): Cost is an issue. For those patients who choose Dr. Li to administer treatment, Dr. Li have acquired extensive training and experience in the 3D Prostatitis Treatment techniques. Dr. Li has 10 years of 3D Prostatitis Treatment clinical experience. This is recommended for the majority of prostatitis without benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),prostate cancer,and the volume of enlarged prostate is less than 40ml.At present, Dr. Li works in the Changsha Clinic.

1) The total cost of laboratory testing and examination at our clinic is US$600. This includes:full testing,examination,and evaluation upon your arrival; testing and examination during treatment; and full testing and examination at the end of your treatment. This fee does not include any testing and/or examinations outside our clinic.

2) The 3D local injection treatment cost is US$250 per day. This includes doctor’s consultation, examination;killing pathogens antibiotics, and unblocking medicines;two local injections at two different infected, blocked, and calcification sites. If you only needs 30 days of treatment,the total medical cost is: US$600 + US$250 x 30 days = US$8100.

3) Other prices: The translation fee is US$25 per day,medical translation during clinical hours, telephone support from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM for assistance in daily needs. After hours support 9:00 PM to 8:00 AM for emergency only. There are many hotels near our clinic,the daily room rates range from US$25 to US$90 (4 star hotel).The daily food costs range from US$15 to US$20 per day.

Other Treatment

Some types of virus can cause prostatitis,genitourinary infection,and systemic infection, such as human papilloma virus (HPV),Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Coxsackie Virus ( CSV) and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV),etc. In the past, we detected viral infection in 30% of prostatitis and genitourinary infection patients in the full set of lab testing before their treatment started.If a virus is detected in the full set of lab testing, we recommend the patient receive 15 days of antiviral treatment,and it’s US$150 per time/every day. The patient will get intravenous drip once a day, and it takes about two hours a day.The treatment can make the IgM of the virus turn to negative, and the virus will not cause infection again in the patient’s body. Our clinical cure rate in treating these virus is over 90%.

Payment and Money Options

1) Payment in full before you begin treatment is not required. Within the 1st week of treatment 60% of the medical payment is due in cash. After the 2nd week of treatment 40% of the medical payment is due in cash. Any money you do not use in treatment or if your treatment is completed with an unused balance, the remaining money will be refunded to you. You only pay for what you use.

2) Cash is accepted (USD or Pound or AUD or Chinese Yuan) for 3D treatment payments.

3) Travelers Checks can be converted to Cash in China.

4) Western Union transfer, you must have someone at your home location send you the money or you can send money to yourself before you leave.

5) Bank Wire Transfer: We prefer you choose options 1 to 4. If you choose the bank wire option we will send you the account information.

6) 3D treatment account payment Instructions for Online Payments and/or Wire Transfers: You can try your online banking website to setup the 3D treatment account for money transfers. However, you may be required to go to your local bank to setup your online bank account for online transfers to this account, since this is a China account. Once this is done, send a $50 or $100 test transfer to the account and notify us. Once we receive the money we will verify the connection with you. The money you send, less the fee, will be credited to your treatment cost. When you arrive in China, you can begin to transfer money for treatment.

Our 3D Prostatitis Treatment is the best and most effective treatment. We have over 20 years of experience with our specialized treatment. It is very effective, safe, and we have a high cure rate. We recommend you schedule an appointment to come to our 3D treatment clinics as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Mrs. Belinda
Fu 3D Prostatitis Treatment Clinic
Tel: 86-137-55164022
Email: prostatitiscure3d@gmail.com
Website: http://www.prostatitiscure.com
Mesajlar: 129
Kayıt: 07.07.2015 - 13:34
Şehir: Bursa
Hastalık Başlangıç Yılı: 2014
Yaş: 27

Re: 3D Prostatitis Treatment in China

Mesaj gönderen samskeyti »

Daha önce görmüştüm ve tamamını okumuştum şimdi tekrar okudum.%95 başarı sağladıklarını iddia ediyorlar.İyi ama fiyat çok pahalı.Herkesin ödeyebileceği cinsten değil.
Mesajlar: 1775
Kayıt: 19.04.2015 - 20:38
Şehir: istanbul
Hastalık Başlangıç Yılı: 2014

Re: 3D Prostatitis Treatment in China

Mesaj gönderen ABittersweetLi »

arkadaşlar bu gibi tedavi yöntemlerinin başarı oranları her zaman fazla fazla şişirilir.amaçları kendi ülkelerindeki hastalar değil yurt dışından gelerek hakkını alamayacak hastalardır.biz şimdi gitsek o kadar para döksek ve iyileşmesek(gidenlerin çoğu zaten iyileşmemiştir)hakkımızı nasıl arayacağız peki? bu rusya içinde böyle türkiye içinde böyle.

bu arada aldığım duyumlara göre almanyada da bir doktor enjeksiyon işine girişmiş.15-20 euro gibi bir şey alıyormuş.maliyetinin biraz üstünde bir ücret alıyor yani.
Mesajlar: 160
Kayıt: 22.04.2015 - 19:27
Şehir: ankara
Hastalık Başlangıç Yılı: 2015

Re: 3D Prostatitis Treatment in China

Mesaj gönderen kenanankara »

Yunanistandaki hocaya gitmek isterdim..bana en mantikli o geliyor
Mesajlar: 64
Kayıt: 29.08.2015 - 02:45
Şehir: mugla
Hastalık Başlangıç Yılı: 2009

Re: 3D Prostatitis Treatment in China

Mesaj gönderen JohnWick »

Tam olarak tedavi sekli ne turkce cevirisi yok mu
Mesajlar: 17
Kayıt: 21.11.2016 - 15:41
Şehir: İstanbul
Hastalık Başlangıç Yılı: 2016

Re: 3D Prostatitis Treatment in China

Mesaj gönderen psikotit »

Amerikalı bir hasta Çinde tedavisi görmüş, aşağıdaki linkte bulabilirsiniz. (Türkçe çeviri)

https://translate.google.com.tr/transla ... rev=search